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Gardener's Access

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The Great Victorian Hanging Basket Competition


Planting Guide

Our new Premium Sassy range is being shipped to many of Victoria's best independent retail nurseries this week.  We know that you love gardening and we would really like to know what you think of Sassy. 
So email Sassy and we will send you a buy one, get one free voucher to be redeemed at your favourite retailer.   Buy $50.00 worth of any other products while you visit the garden centre and we will throw in a second Sassy™ pack.

All we ask you to do in return is email us a report on how Sassy performs for you.  Make your report really interesting and we will reward you with more offers for free and discounted plants.

Please tell your friends about our offer, we want as much information as we can get.  Simple stuff really like: where you purchased, what you liked or didn’t like about the product, its presentation or the garden centre that carried it.  We have more free stuff available for the best, most original reports.  Address your note to Peter or Kaye, or Sassy for that matter, she’s already developing a personality.

We will email back with an individually numbered voucher for you to print out and collect your sample Sassy™ pack, plus instructions on where you can redeem your voucher.

By the way, if you have already registered your interest in our Sassy trial, we are just finalizing making sure stock is available at each of our nominated participating retailers, we'll be back in touch next week.