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The Great Victorian Hanging Basket Competition


Planting Guide

Participation in our community is one of our stated values at Scotsburn Nurseries.  Our community service is low key but we happily help out with an awful lot of church fetes, school garden plantings and prizes for kinder trivia nights.

We are happy to donate surplus plants to genuine community groups (sadly there have been some rogues) on the understanding that they will be picked up either from our nursery in Keysborough or from a participating retail garden centre.

We ask for two things:
1. Promote this web site to your community and

2. Send us some pics and email a note on your event and any highlights.

Please give us a call or email an enquiry to scotsburn@scotsburn.biz

Here are some samples:

St Albans Primary School has been busy planting this week.  I hope their vegies grow beautifully.  Special thanks to Sian & Nadia from room 11 who wrote me a lovely letter.

These photos came from Heatherhill Primary school.  I can't get over that cabbage!

These two pics were sent to me by Heidi who organizes the Teddy Bear's Picnic for the Frankston Toy Library, thanks Heidi.  It's always fun watching the kids react to the idea of getting their hand dirty.  For some there is no hesitation, for some others it a concept that they really struggle with.  You can see my Ben (nearly 13) in his pink shirt towers over these little people.

I'm not sure if this is the whole school or just one class at Welshpool and district after they won a prize in the Great Victorian Hanging Basket Competition.

Hi Peter and thankyou once again for your very informative Blog newsletter.  I know my daughter in outback Queensland is also enjoying it.

 I just thought I might add another winner to the Great Victorian Hanging Basket Competition, if I may be so vain, but I did receive a very unexpected phone call from Jennifer Rickerby mid way through last week to say that my basket had been voted the “Most Popular People’s Choice Award” so I have to say I am very very chuffed and completely taken back.  It is a real special honour and quite wonderful that even though the judges didn’t seem to feel it was quite what they were looking for, but many other people obviously did very much enjoy it.

 It is all part of the fun of taking part and sharing ideas and seeing what others do and generally having a good time, looking after our “babies”, which is what it felt like to me anyway, for the 8 weeks or so of growing the basket.

 Hope you have a great week and enjoy our wonderful autumnal weather while it lasts.  Hopefully we will also enjoy some nice rain later in the week too!!!

 Wendy Omyla  J               12th April, 2009


Thanks to Fr Peter Matheson of the Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Cheltenham for being our first community contributor.  Fr Matheson sent a really lovely letter with this photo.


Great Pic of kids from St Albans North Primary School getting their yellow gloves dirty at their recent Multicultural Schools Garden planting day.



Just love this from our friends at Coolaroo South PS one of the schools participating in the Multicultural Schools garden program with the Gould Group.


Multicultural Schools Planting Program.
We have been donating vegetable seedlings to schools participating in the Gould Group's Multicultural School Garden program.  While I unfortunately can't claim to have joined in one of these terrific planting days, I have been sent some great photos of the activities.  To get a real understanding follow this link to the Multicultural School Garden web site.


Spring Into Gardening.
On a perfect October Sunday thousands of residents of the City of Stonnington flocked to the Victoria Gardens, Prahran for the Spring into Gardening festival.  A great day was had by all including Ben and I.  We ran our children's free potting activity and gave away just on 1000 plants to the kids attending, plus our friend Anne Bishop ran a terrific Plant a Box competition with the local primary schools.  Thanks to Debco and Garden City Plastics for their invaluable support for the day.  Yes Ben is working in behind that crowd, we worked like this for most of the day.

Chelsea Downunder Flower Show

All set up and ready to roll. 
Ben and I spent Sunday 9th September potting with the kids at the Chelsea Downunder flower show.  Perhaps not a great deal of gardening emphasis but it was a great day for the Chelsea and surrounding communities.  We took around 20 trays of seedlings, roughly 1500 plants and none came back.  Did we really pot 1500 plants for 1500 kids?  (Probably not, quite a few took more than one pot home and Ben sold a few punnets for pocket money.  His Great Grandfather Dave will be very proud of him.)    However many we did pot, our day might inspire a few more kids to get involved in gardening.
Here is a link to some of Chelsea's promotion.  They hope to hold the show bi-annually.