Scotsburn Nurseries
ABN 48 693 178 039

300 Perry Road

Tel: (03) 9798 7066
Fax: (03) 9798 3121
Free Fax: 1800 635 849


The Great Victorian Hanging Basket Competition

Click Here For Details

Funky Flowers for Groovy Gardeners


This is Santa's Little helper, Brenda.  Good on ya Bren!

Pansy Sherry
Established in 1930, and supplying seedlings and bloomers to major retail nurseries, chain stores and flower & vegetable growers, Scotsburn have a long-standing reputation as a producer of quality green-life products.

We welcome you to our site, and invite you to contact us with suggestions as to how we can provide you with an even better level of service.

In the meantime, take advantage of the latest weather forecast information in the WEATHER page; Keep abreast of all the latest industry news in our NEWS page; Look for planting information, as we continually expand our library of information in our PLANTING TIPS page; See what we have available in our regularly up-dated  AVAILABILITY LIST, and finally, meet the people behind the Scotsburn service by visiting our TEAM page.

Scotsburn – A Boutique Production Nursery.

We’ve been training in business plann ing and now we have a Mission and Values. Of course this is what we have been trying to achieve all along without having written anything down. I have used the boutique winery analogy previously and I am constantly nagging our team with sport metaphors, so for something different I have recently been comparing Scotsburn to a Jazz Band.

A Jazz band? Yep. There is that constant effort to find something special and new within the context of a simple format. Each Spring season we try to create the next hit album without drifting too far into the unlistenably (yes I did invent that word) experimental. At Scotsburn we grow annuals and some perennials from seed. That’s it really, but we reckon that we do it with that little extra touch of style that can only be achieved in a small business. We are specialists in the field and we will look at every opportunity to add quality and value to all the plants we grow.

The great improvisational Jazz players practice for years to master their craft. Similarly we have reached the stage that we are confident that our plants will be the best available because we enjoy the craft of growing and we have the experience, discipline and skills to ensure that we consistently produce the highest quality.

The presentation of our seedlings and colour pots is intended to be fresh and bright. We aim to attract consumer attention on your benches and to turn stock over quickly. Of course as growers our focus is on producing plants that will ‘hold’ in the retail environment and thrive once taken home. Our contact details are printed on our labels because we are confident of the quality of our plants.

Bedding plants are perishable products! Waste, shrinkage, dumpage, call it what you will, is the critical factor for both seedling growers and resellers alike. Experience tells us that minimising waste is only possible through careful pl ann ing and close communication between grower and seller. This is our specialist area and we have an enormous store of information that we would love to share with our retailers. Given the opportunity we have had remarkable success in both increasing selected retailer’s turn over and reducing their wastage, simply by creating a close grower-retailer relationship.

Our catalogue is written primarily with our resellers in mind, although we hope it is equally useful to the various growers, councils and landscapers for whom we raise flower and vegetable seedlings. Our aim is to provide you with the highest quality product and service possible, and we hope that this catalogue enhances our service with concise, practical information.

Thanks for having a look. All the best for the season,

Peter Douglas

Nursery Manager
July 2006

Call for a catalogue on 03 9798 7066 or email